Natalie recently presented her journey to our staff within practice week, it really aided reflections around domestic abuse and the responsibility we can place on the survivor rather than the person who has caused the harm.

I think it really aided reflection on our value base that domestic abuse can and does happen to people from many different backgrounds. It aided reflection on our responses as professionals to crisis situations and the need to respond with compassion and understanding rather than adding to the harm and trauma that has already occurred.

In addition to aiding us to recognise that survivors can and do recover and can use their journey to educate and help others. 

It was such a brilliant session we are looking forward to facilitate a further session.

Natalie is an inspirational strong women who has used her experiences to continue to make a difference.

Louise Spragg – Principal Social Worker
Telford &Wrekin Council

Natalie, thank you so much for telling your story yesterday. It completely blew me away!

I have worked with offenders for 10 years and hearing their stories and the things they have done to people has become almost normal for me. Very rarely do we hear the story from the other person’s perspective and so when I do, it completely changes my perception of the life changing impact one person’s actions can have. I was astounded at the way you spoke with such confidence and articulation, you had me hanging off your every word. 

After the presentation, the lads walked back to the wing in silence. Once we were back on the wing, quite a few approached me and wanted to talk about what they had just heard. Even this morning I’ve had lads saying they had been thinking about your story all night. The fact they have come to find me to talk would suggest this has had a serious impact and has raised a lot of question and thoughts in their heads, exactly the reason why you came in to talk to us. 

You are one inspirational lady.

HMP & YOI Swinfen Hall

Even though I knew Natalie’s story, to hear her deliver the incredible events of her life was amazing. You could hear a pin drop in the room as she bravely described the details of her ordeal.

It’s a powerful story that everyone should hear and leaves a huge and lasting impact. 

Charlie Beswick
Best Selling Author – Our Altered Life

That was honestly so amazing!

The lads were so engaged. Natalie did amazing. They were so shocked when she announced it was her partner. She completely worked the room and everyone was fascinated.

So so good!!

Member of Staff
HMP & YOI Swinfen Hall

Natalie, it was so lovely to meet you.

The students and staff were buzzing from your talks – that were fact-based, honest, from the heart, highly informative, compassionate with a good sense of humour – absolutely amazing to hear your tragic horrendous story of absolute courage, determination, inner strength to stay alive and amend your life and those around you with love and emotional resilience.

You were able to share your life in such a way that it has had a massive impact on our students and staff that will stay with them for positive reasons for life – hopefully enabling them to have a far better understanding of knife crime and the impact it has on everyone.

I will be willing to talk to any school to tell them THEY MUST LET YOU IN to share your story to students of all ages, as by doing so we might be able to educate enough students to reduce this epidemic among the younger generations.

Head Teacher of a PRU
South Staffs

Students got a hard-hitting lesson about the importance of staying safe with a talk by knife crime survivor and author Natalie Queiroz.

Pregnant Natalie – who came within minutes of losing her life along with that of her unborn child after being stabbed 24 times in 2016 – shared her shocking experience with 2,000 students as part of a programme of events promoting safety at Uxbridge College.

Liam Plumridge of Uxbridge College, who organised the event, said:

“Natalie’s talk was really impactful and moving and a powerful message to students at a time when knife crime is all too often in the news. At Uxbridge College we want young people to stay as safe as possible, which is why we provide them with the information and support they need to help them make positive and constructive choices in every area of their lives. It was a real inspiration to have Natalie with us and I know it was extremely thought-provoking for everyone who heard her speak.”

Uxbridge and Hayes College

Natalie was so inspirational and managed to engage with some of our most challenging young students all through the session. She was very professional with a talent to grab the audience attention with her mind blowing story.

She is one lucky lady and its incredible the positive she is bringing from such a horrific experience.

The teachers were also very moved by the session and are now planning over the next lessons to explore Natalie’s website and experience in more depth with the students, as well as looking to purchase her book.

Hopefully this won’t be the last time we see Natalie as I feel her work is beneficial to so many young people that when new students arrive at centre in the future we would be lucky to see her again.

Pupil Referral Unit  – West Midlands
(Session funded by NOW Education)

Natalie is truly an inspiring speaker and speaks from her unimaginable experiences which clearly has an effect on the young people she meets.

I am delighted we have been able to support her work through the Active Citizens Fund with money taken from the proceeds of crime.

I’m sure that not only the youngsters, but the public at large would agree that this extremely thought-provoking project is well worth supporting from funds such as this.

Ashley Bertie
Deputy West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner

Pictured above: Natalie with staff from our Lady & St Chad Catholic Academy Wolverhampton along with (now former) Deputy WM PCC Ashley Bertie.

Post-Session Analysis

Results taken from 571 young people in mainstream secondary education after a session:

Most Likely Never
0 %
Carry a knife now.
Absolutely Never
0 %
Carry a knife now.
0 %

The risks of knife crime feel greater.

Think More
0 %

About the consequences of knife crime.

Said the Session
0 %

Reminded them it’s their choice to not carry a knife and drive positive change.

Have Increased
0 %

Understanding of how quickly a stabbing cad lead to death.

Have Significantly
0 %

Increased awareness of the physical and emotional damage caused by a stabbing.